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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

New Trusted Authors

I guess this could be considered an early Christmas present for several authors on the site...

Our wonderful, talented and brilliant coder, Cattlyst, added a feature that the archive admins haven't really gotten the change to abuse yet tongue.gif. Some of you know that when you have a chapter that is validated, the validator rates the chapter. We now have the ability to look at these ratings as a total score and find 'potential' trusted authors. We all feel this is going to sincerely help us find trusted authors to bump that may otherwise be overlooked.

The past week I've been working through this list and many authors will now find they are trusted. I typically send out an e-mail to notify authors of this change but because I was determined to get this list narrowed down I didn't send out any e-mails. I literally bumped over 100 authors over the past two days!
(That would have been an awful lot of e-mails.)

So, congratulations to all the authors who now find themselves trusted! Several more authors will probably be bumped over the next week so the fun isn't over just yet smile.gif.

Remember if you are a 'Trusted Author,' you are role models here at HPFF and any violations of the rules will result in the immediate removal your status. If you aren't a Trusted Author yet, keep posting those chapters!

# posted by LogicalRaven @ 4:08 AM 5 comments
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