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Saturday, December 15, 2007

NaNo Showcase #2

I am Kelly and I am one of the writers who attempted in writing a novel in 30 days. I learned a lot from NaNoWriMo, also experienced many new things along the way. NaNoWriMo opened the door of fun, creative and careless writing; I learned how to write without worrying about the quality, or what my readers will say about my work. Creativity was my weakness, I used to hide my different ideas in a corner and wait for them to evaporate, I was afraid that it would be too different. However, due to the speed I was writing my novel, I did not have time to buzz those ideas off; I typed what came into my mind two seconds previous. I followed my mind, not afraid of anything and to my surprise, my ideas turned out to be brilliant. Now, I am not afraid to open to and experience new ideas. It also taught me that there is no such thing as a writer's block. If you're experiencing a writer's block, you're mentally challenging yourself. There are loads of ideas in your mind, you're just pushing it away like I did with my creative ideas.

I wrote 60k on my original fiction in one month and I am proud of myself. I learned more than I expected, and I can finally say that I wrote a novel.

Enchantlize's Author Page

Please stop by and offer our fellow HPFF'er your congratulations!

# posted by timeturner @ 3:13 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

NaNoWriMo Showcase #1

In the upcoming days, we will be showcasing some of our very own HPFF authors who participated in this year's National Novel Writing Month attempts. Today, meet bythequill_moe.

I’m Moe and I was one of the many people on the HPFF forums who decided to compete in this years NaNoWriMo. I wrote an original story, unrelated to Harry Potter, which I dubbed Scars Shape Lives. It was a long month, right from the start. There was a lot of ups and downs. The start of the month was really good but in the second half of the month, it seemed Voldemort was hunting me down. Everything started to go wrong, like losing 3,500 words because I forgot to save, and I worried if I was going to make it. But I did, by the end of November I had wrote over 50K for my story and it’s still not finished. Even though I’m not finished my story, I think I will take time off to write some Harry Potter Fan Fiction! How I missed writing for this site…Even though I missed writing HPFF, I encourage all of you to try NaNo next year, it’s great fun. Plus, how many of you can say I’ve written a novel?

bythequill_moe's HPFF Author Page

Please drop by and check out the author's stories and don't forget to leave a review!

# posted by timeturner @ 1:43 AM 0 comments
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