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Tuesday, October 07, 2008


I don't know about you guys, but I'm really excited for the Review-a-Thon! (Which begins tomorrow, October 8th, btw ... sign up SOON!)

For those of you who don't know, it was thought up by several genius members on the forums who brought it to the staffers' attention. Due to the recent server crash and subsequent loss of thousands of reviews, it seemed like the most appropriate way to end the 2008 House Cup Competition with a bang! Because isn't that what Hogwarts all about? Supporting and encouraging others (and trying to get your House to win *cough*), and fostering compassion and understanding for others (and trying to get your House to win *cough*).

The reviewing extravaganza doesn't end until October 26th, so that's almost three whole weeks to get your game face on! I don't know what everyone's plans are, but I'm definitely checking out my Favorites List as a good place to start. Not only will I help my favorite authors regain some feedback, I'll get a chance to re-read some awesome stories AND maybe help nudge my House towards the Cup! The requests threads on the forums would be my next stop - added bonus: you can pick what you want to read based on rating!

I've been reviewing for a long time now (I guess a year and two months counts as long for me) so I guess my advice would be to pace yourselves. Don't go crazy trying to leave 200 reviews in the first day (don't go blind either). You have almost a month, so stretch it out. Start with a goal for each day or week, and go from there.

And I can't stress this enough - DO NOT SPAM. There's a no-tolerance policy in effect for cheaters, who will get disqualified ... no questions asked. It's hurtful and a waste of time and not in the spirit of the competition, which is to help your fellow authors.

Good luck to everyone and I hope you guys will enjoy your reading and racking up the reviews!

Anyone have any reviewing strategies or tips they want to share?

# posted by Girldetective85 @ 4:50 PM
I am SO excited about this competition!!! i know lots of people lost reviews, and so this is the perfect way to regain them as well as helping other authors/ helping your house win.

I definitely intend to review as much as possible; time is limited thanks to homework, so spare time is now dedicated to reviewing :) thanks, staff, for organising this!!
my review strategy consists of my favorites, my review thread, and the review thread in the competiton forum. Plus lists. One really long list. I plan to make a list of stories I plan to read and review each week and then mark them off the list as I finish. It'll help me to keep track of what I have and haven't reviewed yet.
I'm with you about being ecstatic about this, especially since the staff CAN participate. I'm going to to revisit some of the stories on my favorites, hit the review request lists, and if at all possible some of the people who review my stories. I really believe that the encouragement and feedback of the review are essential and what make this site so amazing to writers.... so ... I might replace some reviews, but overall I'm going to try to go for reviewing stories and/or chapters that I haven't reviewed yet so the growth can continue... (sounds so cheesy...) I am making a list, but I'll probably skip around all over the place.
I can't wait till the Review-a-Thon!!
YAY... I'm hoping to do all my favorite authors and stories again and then the review threads. YAY
This is great! I love how we have enough time so even if we're really busy, we can still contribute at some point.

This is such a great idea, especially with everything that's happened in the last few weeks. I hope you do it again for the next House Cup!!!

-Hermione Clone
where and how do we get stories to be in the review-a-thon?
when are we going to be allowed to register again?
Okay, this is WAY too late to mean anything for the 'review competition', but I REALLY have to vent my frustrations and this looked like the right place to do just that.
I have two chaptered stories ( 6th & 7th yr, 56 & 41 chapters ) and four one-shots - one of which goes with the 6th year story, on this site.
That's 347,959 words, 98 'chapters' and I've had 10,059 hits on these stories. NOT counting the 15 (all from one reader, who continues to review) lost in the 'crash' why do I only have 13, count 'em, 13 reviews????
I, personally, will leave a review for EVERY chapter I read. I won a review contest on Gluttony (245 reviews in one month - and not one liners, but REVIEWS!)
SO, what's with the readers on this site? I know I'm venting but I think it's rude to read and NOT review. I put a LOT of time and effort into these stories and would like just a little acknowledgement of my efforts. Admittedly, I'm no JKR, and I don't do 'lemons' and I love happy endings.
Oh, I DID get my first slam/negative review here, though. And the funny bit is that while I was thrilled to FINALLY get one, the girl also listed my 2nd story as one of her favorites!!!??? But without coming back and saying she had continued to read and maybe she'd been a bit hasty in her negative "I hate your story" remarks. Oh, well, go figure.
I reviewed HER story, giving constructive remarks about her absymal spelling / grammar / punctuation errors.
HOWEVER, I did tell her that the story itself was interesting and I reviewed every chapter she'd posted and even asked her NOT to delete it ( which she'd announced as her intention, because of negative/lack of reviews ) until I'd finished.
Can't win for losing. That's my Monday morning rant and rave. Venting is an art form, you know.
And this is such an old blog, no-one will probably ever see and/or read it anyway, but at least I feel better for getting this off my chest!
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