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Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Princely Summer

While the first official day of summer may still be a week away, the summer festivities here at HPFF are already in full swing.

As I’m sure you know, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is set to be released next month. In honor of this, HPFF has deemed Summer 2009 as “A Princely Summer.” Over the next few months, we’ll be hosting a variety of “Princely” activities in which all members are encouraged to join. There are riddles, writing contests, common room parties, a little good-humored staff humiliation and most importantly, the chance to rack up some major House Cup Points. With the queue closed for the next few weeks, now is a great time to head over to the forums and check it all out. If you aren’t already on the forums, remember that it requires a separate registration from the archives and a few mandatory posts in the new member section, so make sure to check out the forum rules and guidelines.

Here’s to a great summer, everyone. I hope it’s full of lots of reading, writing, reviewing and all around Potter FUN!!

# posted by Arithmancy_wiz (Becky) @ 8:30 PM
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